The Importance of showing your face in your marketing

Mother and Daughter co-owners of Buy The Kilo in Tynemouth

Hey, there business owner! I’m Lauren McWilliams, brand photographer based in Newcastle upon Tyne, England I specialise in helping business owners to elevate their brands by giving them a collection of beautiful on-brand imagery that can be used across their marketing, to grow their business, increase their leads and make more money.

Lauren Mcwilliams

Brand Photographer

You may have already heard the saying “people buy from people” and may think it’s overused by marketers but it really is gold when it comes to thinking about promoting your services and products. We are now in an age where we have to present online to make money and grow our businesses. 

When it comes to buying products and services people want to see and know who they are buying from. 

What is brand photography? 

Gone are the days when having imagery for your business meant headshots. Standing with your arms crossed, smiling and looking uncomfortable...sorry I mean “professional”. 

Brand photography is so much more than a headshot. It’s a series of images that are designed with the photographer to help you capture what makes you special and helps your audience to connect with you. 

Together with your photographer, you will capture who you are, what you do, how you do it, where you do it and why you do what you do. It gives you so many opportunities to share your story, build trust and start bringing in your dream clients.

What benefits does brand photography have?

There’s actually a tonne of benefits to having your own brand photography but here’s my top 5: 

  1. It saves you time: You don't have to search for hours for stock images to try and fit them into your brand and marketing or try 10 times to get the perfect selfie so you can share your face on your Instagram feed. It allows you to have a bank of on-brand images at your fingertips.

  2. It increases your visibility: More and more we hear people telling us to show our faces in our marketing, its true brand photography allows you to do just that it shows you, your business, what you do, how you do it and everything in-between. It also means by sharing your own images the algorithm on most social media sites including Facebook and Instagram will favour your content over those sharing stock photography. Meaning visibility and engagement.

  3. It helps you stand out from your competition: Just like the last one if your showing more of yourself you're more likely to noticed and if your competition isn’t doing that then it’s even more of a win. It also means you will look more professional and feel more professional within your brand.

  4. It helps you to build trust: You probably didn't marry your husband or wife without seeing them first yet you expect your ideal clients to buy from you without knowing you, liking you and trusting you first. It's the same story. Share more images of you, your story and your brand and they will fall in love with you.

  5. It makes you money: "First comes love, then comes marriage then comes a baby in a golden carriage" Does anyone remember that school rhyme? Just me? My point is that once you build your trust with your audience and ideal clients you are then more likely to get leads and sales so having brand photography pays for its self in the long run.


How do you choose the right brand photographer for your business?

Just like choosing any service provider, it’s important to make sure that you find the right fit! My advice is to do your research search for local brand photographers, check them out on social media and their websites. 

Get a good feel for their personality and style at the end of the day you want to get on with the person who you are going to trust to capture you and your brand. By choosing someone you like you will get better results because you feel comfortable. 

Want to know more?

I hope you have enjoyed reading this guest blog from me and found the tips helpful if you would like to know more about how brand photography can help your business I would love to chat with you. You can book a call with me here. You can find out more about me and my services on my website here as well as sign up for my weekly newsletter with more tips and blogs from me to help you grow your business and achieve your goals. 

I look forward to speaking to you soon,



5 Steps to Feeling More Confident Infront of the Camera


What do your photos say about your business?